Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wildrose by 5.6 over PC, pulling even further ahead?

As the Alberta election is well underway, it is high time for the first seat projection. I was going to do this on Sunday, but polling volatility was far too great. Since then a few new polls have been released confirming the actual position. From now on the projections will be updated on Sunday as the election is due Monday the 23rd.

At the start of the campaign, things were neck and neck with the PCs perhaps with a slight lead. Then a few polls came along indicating a large Wildrose lead. This threw the polling average into a bit of disarray but since then the Wildrose lead has consolidated in 4 separate polls so I feel comfortable with the numbers. Personally, though, I must say that I am not happy with them since Wildrose's economic stance is far too free-market for my liking.

Let's get right to it:
Wildrose  36-41%  [median 38.5]  38-52 seats  [median 45]
PC        30-35%  [median 32.9]  30-38 seats  [median 35]
NDP       11-13%  [median 11.8]   3- 7 seats  [median  5] 
Liberal   11-15%  [median 12.6]   0- 7 seats  [median  2]
Alberta    1- 3%  [median  1.9]   0- 0 seats  [median  0]
Other      1- 3%  [median  2.3]   0- 0 seats  [median  0]

Politically Uncorrect currently projects a Wildrose MAJORITY of 3.

That said, once the old polls drop off, Wildrose could be in an even better position. We'll see what week two of the campaign bears. Things are not written in stone. As former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson famously noted, "a week is a long time in politics."

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