Dear student leaders:
For some reason, the people protesting with you seem to actually respect you. Validate them.
Two days ago, you accepted the government's overtures and agreed to opening dialogue. Do not use the scuffles with anti-protestors as an excuse to renege on this. The government had nothing to do with that, and you know it. These are people who are frustrated that Hong Kong has been brought to a standstill. And you know what? They, too, have a right to express their opinions.
I know, you believe that you were pushed to these drastic measures because of what the government has allegedly done (or failed to do, it's hard to know with you lot). But now that the government has offered to talk, Hong Kong's continued paralysis is as much your responsibility as the government's. Going back on your word like this is exactly what you have repeatedly accused the government of doing. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
Politics is a game of give and take. It also takes place in the real
world, not whatever fantastical land you seem to think exists, where
everything is exactly as you want. Take what you can get, certainly; otherwise, learn to cut your losses. You may think you're winning the PR battle right now, but dragging this out cannot possibly be in your interests. The frustration of the public will only grow, and at some point, it will become indiscriminate in its target.
You say you're doing this for the future of Hong Kong. You say you
love Hong Kong. Well then, I challenge you this: lift your blockade on
the daily lives of average, honest, hard-working people in Hong Kong. Show some real leadership, and walk up to
the negotiating table.
A disgruntled observer