I recently came across a comic that satirizes very well the absurdity that political correctness has gone to:

Also, look, we all realize the merits of multiculturalism and tolerance. However, just because I say "Merry Christmas" does not mean the whole world is going to go up in flames. There is nothing wrong with a Christian wishing someone Merry Christmas. Even if the person on the receiving end is a Jew, normal people can understand the good intent behind the wish. He can say Happy Hanukkah back, for that fact, and the world will go on. Time does not stop, mountains do not fall, oceans do not dry up. If you're going to wish me "Happy Holidays," go ahead, you're most welcome, and I'll be very happy. Just don't try to stop me from saying Christmas, because that will be intolerance on YOUR behalf.
Seriously, this has gotten to the degree where literally everything that is said in public has to go through some sort of rigorous testing. I understand that free speech is a liberty only intended for expression of valid, non-hate-inducing ideas. However, I also understand that free speech was a right that our fathers fought life and limb for and won; and at this rate, we're snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
And no, I'm not bowing down to that "s/he" nonsense. Sue me. Written work has used "he" as the non-gender-specific pronoun for ages. It's out of habit; not all of us are male chauvinist pigs.